Atworth History Group
Atworth History Group
First Monday of each month 7.30 – 9.30pm except July-September

Atworth History Group
Atworth History Group was founded in 1973. It is an interest group with currently about 40 members. Talks given by group members and by visiting speakers are on topics of local and social history interest.
The group meets nine times per year at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall on the first Monday of each month between January and June and between October and December. (When the first Monday is a Bank Holiday, we meet on the second Monday.) Each year a summer outing is arranged to a place of historical interest.
The subscription fee is currently £15 per annum.
Members of the group also curate the Atworth Museum in Bradford Road.
More information and access to some of the research done by members of the group is available on our website – just type ‘Atworth History Group’ into your browser.